International Women’s Day 10th March 2023

Photo -Becca Tapert

Blessings on all women everywhere.  Blessings on the mothers, grandmothers and all ancestors back to the beginning of time, those who have gone before us, who have passed on their gifts and talents to us, who have taught us how to be in the world.

Blessings on all women to come, our daughters, granddaughters and all future generations of women.  May we pass on positive models of womanhood to them.

Gratitude to all women who have given us life, taken care of us, taught us how to knit and cook, how to sew and garden. Who have taught us to read and to think and how to be kind to our friends and neighbours.

Respect and love to all women who have suffered in the Mother and Baby Homes, in the Magdalen laundries, at the hands dictators, tyrants  and invading armies all over the world, all down through the centuries. 

Gratitude to the midwives, the herbalists, the healers, the musicians, the nurses, the teacher’s, the academics, the political activists the warriors, who have loved and supported women and women’s causes.  

Remembering the women who have fought for our freedom, so we can vote, so we can be free, so we can speak our truth, and bring our influence to bear in a positive way on the challenges of today.

Remembering their courage, their strength, their intelligence, their skills in the eye of battle, in the face of fear and persecution.

And to the Mother of us all, our Mother Earth, who provides us with food, nourishment, fresh air and clean water, deepest gratitude, humble appreciation, and undying love.  


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