
Dates of Interest

Please feel free to keep an eye on our website for updated information.

As we have always believed, Our Spiritual Earth is about people, relationships and the Earth. 

We encourage you to check out organised events in your area that you might support.

Our Spiritual Earth encourages you to support your family, friends and community.

Irish dates of interest


One of our Ceremonial Leaders, Gabrielle, will lead these events. Keep an eye out for details.

1. October 31st - Samhain, Hallow E'en

2. Dec 21st - Mid Winter Solstice - shortest day - sun on the back wall of Newgrance.


3. February 1st - Imbolg - St. Brigid’s Day - 1st day of Spring in the Celtic Calander.

4. March 21st - Spring Equinox - Lough Crew Cairns are connected with this date.

5. 1st May - La Bealtaine - First Day of Summer, the ancients had parties and weddings at this time.

6. 21st June - Summer Solstice - MidSummer's Day.

7. 1st August - Lunaghasa - the origion of the Harvest Festival, celebrating the Great God Lu and the ancients had huge bonfires at this time.

8. 21st September, Autumn Equinox, also connected with Lough Crew.

International and National Dates