Earth Day 2021



Concern for our Earth across all age demographics is at an all time high. So is a sense of being overwhelmed and a feeling of desperation.  We at Our Spiritual Earth are very conscious of our connection with our Mother Earth and are also aware that many really feel that their contribution to saving the planet counts for little. 


We want to say:  This is not so. 

Every little effort we make, makes a difference; it further increases global consciousness and awareness about the knife-edge balance on which our earth now stands.  Everything you do, every conversation you have, every effort you make, makes a difference. 


We are aware that there are some wonderful information sites, TV programmes and books where there is plenty of good information available.  But if you are one of the many who is feeling overwhelmed we thought we’d just mention a few simple steps which could (literally) make the world a better place.  

  1. Be grateful for the beauty and gifts which the planet provides us with every day.

  2. Limit your use of her valuable resources, eg; take shorter showers, switch off power sources if they aren’t being used.

  3. Notice where your fruit and veggie is grown. If it comes from the Southern Hemisphere it has many thousands of air miles so the choice to buy fruit and vegetables from the Northern Hemisphere is a better one.

  4. Gifting flowers is a lovely thought – but where do they come from? Are the growers poisoning themselves and the earth with toxic chemicals? How many air miles are on them? There are some wonderful Irish flower and wildflower growers providing these to shops now.

  5. Plant something. Even just a pot of parsley on the balcony will help a little to redress the balance.

  6. Explore the use of herbs, homeopathy and flower remedies in health maintenance. Their production has far less impact on the environment.

  7. Try a vegan or vegetarian dish once or twice a week – we don’t need to go into the problems with meat production here as there is detailed information elsewhere.

  8. Walk to your local shop. Why pour further emissions into the atmosphere if you can avoid it? Obviously, leaving the engine running unnecessarily is a big No-No too.

  9. Give yourself a pat on the back every time you act more kindly and more consciously to our beautiful earth, our home.

For more organised events - see;

Know that every little more earth-friendly choice you make, makes a difference.

If we all do our own bit every day perhaps as we approach Earth Day next year, the news headlines might be a bit more positive and more hopeful.  Perhaps the Earth and its inhabitants will survive after all. 


Grey Water – Less Harmful to Mother Earth


Forgiveness  or Let It Go!